Lesboanimitas Cartography


Atlas Minor is a series of publications edited by Bartlebooth that looks at cartography from a critical perspective. The first issue Sexual Dissidence: From Vulnerability and Resistance includes the work of nucbeade, Kyle Lasky, Lucas LaRochelle, and Yera Moreno.

We translated the research Lesboanimitas by nucbeade into cartographic format. This project was a workshop with the same name taught by the art collective that proposed several memory exercises with which to collectively recover and look after the history of lesbian desire between 1930 and 1980.

This cartography compiles the results of the exercises implemented through the mash-up of texts and sounds, performance, 3D scanning and interventions in public space that took place during a tour of the city of Madrid.

Atlas Minos book cover and cartographies Lesboanimitas text by nucbeade