Illustration of the recipe book Carmen Montes' Cooking 1937
Illustration of the recipe book Carmen Montes' Cooking 1937 Illustration of the recipe book Carmen Montes' Cooking 1937
Illustration of the recipe book Carmen Montes' Cooking 1937

Carmen Montes' Cooking 1937

Illustrations for a family recipe book that will pass from generation to generation. This publication was self-edited by Enrique Ventosa, who kept track of the cooking of his grandmother Carmen Montes so that her recipes remain in the family. Carmen was part of the illustration process as a colourist. The drawings were made with black pigment liners (Staedtler) on smooth fine grain paper (Canson Imagine) of 200g/m2.

Illustration of the recipe book Carmen Montes' Cooking 1937 Illustration of the recipe book Carmen Montes' Cooking 1937